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Dark Nights Death Metal #3 CGC 9.8 1:100 Capullo & Glapion B&W Cover
1:100 Ratio Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion Black & White Card Stock Cover
CGC 9.8 Cert #?¿3719571007
DC Comics -?¿Release: Aug 12, 2020
1st cover app of Robin King
All aboard! When the Justice League launches its assault on New Apokolips, the team's goal is to free Superman from his solar prison. But it's all going off the rails when they learn that the Man of Steel is gone for good thanks to the Anti-Life Equation. Plus, the deep secret of the Darkest Knight is revealed-but how much darker could the Batman Who Laughs possibly get? And don't miss the surprise return of everyone's favorite wanna be Robin! ON SALE 07.08.20
Writer | Scott Snyder |
Penciller | Greg Capullo |
Inker | Jonathan Glapion |
Colorist | FCO Plascencia |
Letterer | Tom Napolitano |
Cover Penciller | Greg Capullo |
Cover Inker | Jonathan Glapion |
Editor | Marie Javins, Andrew Marino |
Nightwing (Richard 'Dick' Grayson) |
Green Lantern (Alan Scott) |
Raven (Rachel Roth) |
Steel (John Henry Irons) |
Green Lantern (John Stewart) |
Lobo |
Collector |
Lex Luthor |
Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) |
Plastic Man (Patrick 'Eel' O'Brian) |
Swamp Thing (Alec Holland) |
Jonah Hex |
Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) |
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) |
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) |
Flash (Barry Allen) |
Atom (Ray Palmer) |
Donna Troy |
Metamorpho (Rex Mason) |
Miss Martian (M'Gann M'Orzz) |
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) |
Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt) |
Wildcat (Ted Grant) |
Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter) |
Flash (Jay Garrick) |
Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) |
Animal Man (Bernhard 'Buddy' Baker) |
Ice (Tora Olafsdotter) |
Flash (Wally West) |
Green Lantern (Guy Gardner) |
Vixen (Mari Jiwe McCabe) |
Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce) |
Beast Boy (Garfield Logan) |
Batman (Bruce Wayne) |
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz) |
Wonder Woman (Diana) |
Dr. Fate (Kent Nelson) |
Mr. Miracle (Scott Free) |
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) |
Superman (Kal-El / Clark Kent) |
Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance) |
Firestorm (Ronald 'Ronnie' / Martin Raymond / Stein) |
Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz) |
Harley Quinn (Harleen Frances Quinzel) |
Jarro |
Darkfather (Bruce Wayne) |
Robin King (Bruce Wayne) |
George The Hyena |
Sgt. Rock (Franklin 'Frank' Rock) |
Batrocitus |
Darkest Knight (Bruce Wayne (Earth- -22)) |
Night Glider |
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Here at @majorpaynecomics, We pride ourselves on the packaging of our products by taking pictures or videos of the packing process prior to shipping and ensuring that the item has MORE than enough protection for its journey to the buyer's shipping address. Though we do our best job to secure your purchase prior to its trip through the world of Logistics, we sadly have not gotten to the level of security to ensure your package is not damaged. BECAUSE OF THAT - We Insure ALL shipments for FREE to the amount paid! We are collectors too, so we know how upsetting it is to get a package that looks like it barely made it through an unexpected Nuclear Disaster site. So, if the product arrives outside the condition description...again WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU!! Reach out to us IMMEDIATELY so we can make it right. Please ensure that thorough pictures of the box/envelope/product are taken if there is an appearance of damage to the item. This will help quickly resolve any issues (insurance stuff) so we can make it right.